Sunday, October 16, 2011


Patiently waiting, watching
Still as an hour hand.
Vibrant blue,
Melted sky in depths
Of overhanging green.
Shadows move beneath
In swift currents of molten glass,
Sensitive to a presence
Beyond the watery realm.
Black eyes pierce
Every notion of prey.
Talons unhook.
A plummeting arrow
In an emerald tunnel.

feathers on water

Gunshot cracks the misty morning,
a mirror broken in an exploding chaff
of small birds, shrieking into atmosphere.
Then geese and swan run upon the splash,
wings outstretched too wide to flap,
faster, faster into sprint as inch by inch
they rise in a terrified cacophony, 
beaks wide sucking fuel into fired muscle,
beating air appeals to a returning Sun.

But there behind them, unseen
amongst shadows of glazing water,
lost feathers in a last dance regatta,
fleeing the approaching retriever,
spurred on by a cold lick of early breeze.


Throwing fresh pomander over
Cold dank smells of winter.
Birds just arrived from Africa
Chorus their thrill.
Blood octane rises,
Burning off frigid diesel sludge.
First sweat beads
on sun hungry skin.
Trees dip their toes 
In lakes of bluebells.
Cold beer slops carelessly
on last summer's ring stain table.
Chests optimistically inflate
embracing the magic of crystal blue.

Rainy Love 28 12 10

Look onto the horizon and there you'll find me-
amber locks of flowing hair;
and when at night you seek comfort
in my twilight eyes you'll stare-I'll always be there.
I'll be the kiss of wind brushed upon your rosy cheek,
and I'll be your time-tested tree stump
to lean upon when weak.
I'll be the warm gentle raindrops 
to help cover the tears that may fall
and as quick as the morning dew does come,
I'll be there when you call.
The gentle rustle in the trees is my whisper in your ear
so take the time to listen please
because I truly love you dear...

Autumn's potion

Dancing, glimmering, silver aglow
Spider’s silk thin in the grass below
Dancing and waiting for things to be so
Unintelligible pattern, but only to believe it is so!

And lift up your worries, to fall like acorns, below

Leaves painted here, autumn, death on display,
Beauty is her, aesthesia for pain
But winter is coming, autumn, life, indeed finite
Despite the cries I make, intelligible my delight.

The code here for life, the genetics of every leaf,
Speared here by a rake, munched there by tiny beast.

Bulbs hide here, deep beauty in gestation,
The promise of spring their only motivation,
To live through cruel winter, and laugh in her face,
Only autumn comes again, to put daffodil in her place.

And lift up your promises, like glass broken, clock face

Hummingbird is here, glass ready to scry,
For only she can tell truth from ladybug lie,
And raven knows the truth behind view, bird’s eye

And lift up your pain, death, patient it lies

The cicadas here give their last benediction,
And summer receding, loosens her spell
Drink deep of autumn, prepare for cruel winter,

And lift up your spirits, weary, stories to tell

crying from earth


The earth's trembling,
earthquake's cracking,
Mother earth's might is breaking,
She's becoming too old for her caring,
Can't you see,
Her heart's breaking,
She's weeping in sorrow,
And crying in pain.

The earth's core is splitting,
Mother earth's shield is weakening,
Our mother's life is ending,
She has a day or two remaining,
Can't you see,
Her heart's breaking,
She's weeping in sorrow,
And crying in pain.

Mother earth gave us life,
Now she's taking it back,
She did what she could,
But we only tempted her wrath,
Its too late you see,
She took what she gave,
Now nothing is to be.

Sign of Vacancy

this is my first imagine of Nature poetry..
diresapi dari hati difikirkan oteh otak dan di tuliskan oleh tangan.

A void within, the feeling engulfs,
A hollow niche calling to be filled,
Echoing expanse of the universe,
Silent, deafening, a vacuum pulls,
The eye of the storm: a false refuge
Of suckled sensual appetites,
Endless satisfaction sought after,
No things, no flesh, nothing created,
Nor mutated brings lasting fulfillment,
Or sanity’s peace and sound groundwork,
Only perfection can complete lack,
Only no beginning without end
Can occupy this small but vast place,
Only infinite can sustain this space.

Monday, October 3, 2011

last man standing

When sadness fills your day,
And you’re feeling rather grey,
How wonderful it is
When a loved one comes your way
To brighten up your day.

What joy is to be found
In the arms of one who cares,
Who with every moment shares
The love for you he bears,
And fills your heart with joy!

How thankful one must be
To have a love like thee,
Who sets my sorrows free,
And kneeling on one knee,
Gives all he is to me


Dear poet, in dream’s aspire, seeks love’s illusion
For the write of beauty stems from emotion’s well
That feeling’s cause dreams to become confusion
So the poor poet writes of only ideal love’s tell

And reality’s sight is lost to poor heart’s deception
In this dimension, does love make poets of us all
And welcomes all to heaven’s sweet reception
To pen hopes to Venus, she does hear poet’s call

Dear heart swells with joy, such rich impressions
And we write soft words to a deity above the sky
Poet’s pen is heart’s rich hand of sweet confessions
Tender words of joyous move to reality’s goodbye

Love is not for those who fear intention’s write
For love is the joy of a poet’s pen in open invite

For You

I want to hold your hand,
and bring you to an enchanted land,
explore all there is to find,
with you my life i want to bind,

everyday i hope and pray,
that i can hear what you have to say,
for you i would throw away my pride,
so that in me you would confide.

Love... The Pisces Way.

Is the dream of love
More exquisite than reality’s hard earth
That an ocean’s soft wave more a romantic hearing
Than love which is a ruling to civility
And… Are you this dependent swim
This illusive angel fish, which drowns in emotion
So that you then drift in such water’s paradise
Love is an all-colour experience
In mists and swirls of escapist and luminous soap
That bubble-baths imagination
Till each bubble is a floating ball of dream’s high
To float you into a longest loved sleep

Is this an ideal, this feeling of sweet romance
That you lie, with eyes closed
To a noisy world of brittle inconvenience
To see the bird of paradise, on fluttering wing
As it enjoys you to an act of softest touch
For you are the director of your passion’s play
That imagination is your partner to this event
And so you play out the role
Unsure of reality or that this dream is real

Do you yearn for sweet demonstration
That a love lays a velvet glove to your heart
And, in light touch, induces you to inspired pleasure
Oh, to this dear act, this passion’s play
Which brings a dream’s intelligence to centre-stage
So a water’s perfume anoints
And this precious scent becomes the drug’s addiction
And then, are you in dependency
Of sweet Pisces love.

Friday, September 16, 2011

mom and dad this is for you

You were there to listen
When no one else would
You were there to cheer me up
When no one else could

When ever i was scared
You'd chase away my fears
When ever i would cry
You'd wipe away my tears

I can always count on you
To help me smile again
I've come to count on you
Because you'll be there in the end

So i want to say thanks
For always being there
And from saving me
From my own dispare

And one final thing
Here in this part
I love you both
With all my heart

my Family

My grandpa so sweet and so pure,
My grandmas who know every cure,
My mom who loves me without fault,
And without my daddy, life would halt.

My brother, my strength, my backbone,
My nephew’s sweet voice on the phone,
My nieces all four, always have a smile,
Their little brother, the one with all the style.

These are the ones who shape my life,
Who can help erase any strife,
The ones who shaped and molded me,
Into the person I wanted to be.

They are always near to my heart,
No matter how far we find ourselves apart,
To lose them would be to lose my soul,
They are the half that makes me whole.

by: noname

my mothers hand

is when my mother gave me life
I was her gift from heaven.

My mother's hands were the tools that would mold me into who I have become,
and there would be two more behind me; I was just the first one...
who would be loved and cradled by the purest of hearts,
God blesses those who are deserving;and this is how motherhood starts.

when I cried; she held me and cradled me cheek to cheek,
and when I needed soothing; she'd sing to me a lullaby so sweet.

My bond with my mother became so strong;
that I didn't want her to ever leave my sight,
If I had to I would go looking for her because nothing else seemed to feel right.

My mother's hands would discipline me; whenever i got out of line
I don't mind sharing my mother, but i will never give her up because God gave her to me and she's mine.

by: michel lexury


A mother...a mother is suppose to love
not hate a mother is suppose to hold not
beat a mother is suppose to protect not
hurt a mother is what I never had...instead
I had would hit me you would beat
me down to the ground until i gave in and let
you hurt me i loved you but you just couldn't
understand. the drugs were more important
it was always the drugs that's all i heard you
screaming. I'd watch you from a far watch you
pull at your skin at your hair your nail marks on
your face but i admired you because you were
so cold...but once admiration disappeared there you
would be in front of me and all i could do was hang
my head low cause if it wasn't a beating coming it was
something much more sick...more twisted..she'd say
"I need you to do this for me..." I would never answer
but I knew what would come next she'd grab the pusher
and send me away and what was done to my body only
the crying angels will know. I'd awake on the floor while
she stared at me pulling myself from the floor id stand she'd
slap me back down to the ground "YOU xxx" The sad this
is I'd lay there until she left and I'd get back on my feet and
return to my room...where i use to believe monsters never
crept but they were shadow heroin monsters on my walls as i lay in the
darkness of my room I'd hear her silent screams in my head I'd
feel those dirty hands on my skin and I'd cry myself to sleep...
What else could I do I was only a kid I was her child and she
was my mother.

from: Jan Doe

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

anniversary 2 month of MOKA

5 Maret 2011

Dear Honey
Sebelumnya aku minta maaf ya kalo kata – kataku ini jelek (bahkan gak banget >.<), maklumlah it’s my first experience for writing love letter. Tau gak sih sayang? Cuma kamu yang bisa bikin aku beneran nulis surat kayak gini. And you know why? Because I Love you more than my ex-boyfriend.
Ehemm… kembali ke tujuan pembuatan surat ini.
Sayang, kita udah 2 bulan lebih bersama. Aku rasa kita udah sama-sama cukup tau gimana aslinya kita masing- masing.
Makasih sayangku, udah menerima aku apa adanya aku.
Maaf atas semua sifat ku yang gak sayang suka.
Sifat anak kecilku, sifat yang gak mau ngalah, gak peka sama sayang, bahkan sayang piker aku gak perhatian sama sayang.
Tapi jujur sayang, aku gak pernah sengaja buat kayak gitu . aku juga gak pernah ada niatan suka ngajakin sayang berantem. Andai saja sayang tau, setiap kamu gak disampingku, mataku ini gak pernah bisa buat gak nyari kamu. (it’s real boy, and I don’t know why), makanya aku pernah bilangkan, kalo aku diam bukan berarti aku gak tau apa yang kamu lakuin. Itu karna tiap aku melihat kamu, kamu gak pernah melihat aku. Justru “Dia” yang kamu lihatin :’).
Maaf buat rasa cemburu ku ini. Bohong kalo aku bilang itu gak apa-apa tiap lihat kamu kayak gitu. “Hanya karena seseorang cemburu, bukan berarti dia tak mempercayaimu. Dia hanya takut kehilangan mu…”. Aku rasa sayang pasti ngerti maksud kata-kata itu :’)

Sweet heart,
Astika Putri Roqimawati

anniversary 3th month of MOKA

27 Maret 2011

Dear my honey,
Sayaaaaaaaaanggkuuu =*
Udah gak terasa ya kita udah tiga bulan barengangan.
Yaa… kita! Bukan lagi aku dan kamu, tapi KITA !
Astika dan Bimo =)
Memang aku rasa buat menuju ke bulan yang ketiga ini sangat sangat sangat teramat banyak halangan merintang, tapi sekarang kita udah bisa melewati itu semua. Yapp, kita berhasil sayang.. kita berhasil mengalahkan “ego” kita masing-masing.
Dan sayang tau gak apa yang aku rasain sekarang?
I’m 100% in Love with you beybeeeh =D
Love you more than word can I say for you, Honeeey =)
Makasih ya sayang buat semua perhatian, pengorbanan, dan apapun yang udah sayang lakuin buat bikin aku bahagia.
Aku seneng banget atas semua usaha sayang untuk berubah =)
Aku janji aku gak akan sering ngambek gak jelas lagi dan gak akan sering-sering marah sama sayang, tapi harus janji GAK BOLEH NAKAL ! AWAS YA KALO SAMPAI NAKAL !!! hihihi =P

Who knows how long I’ve loved you? You know I love you still =)
Thanks my honeybee ..
Mmuachh.. =*

With love,
Astika Putri Roqimawati

Anniversary 8th Month of MOKA

Jodoh adalah rahasia Tuhan yang tak pernah bisa ditebak
Pertemuan kita adalah sebuah bukti rahasia-Nya
Begitu banyak jurang pemisah antara kita
Tapi pertemuan dua hati tak ada yang bisa memisahkan

Begitu mahal kita menebus rasa cinta itu
Begitu banyak pula perbedaan diantara kita
Tapi ikatan kita adalah menyatukan perbedaan yang ada
Dan itu telah kita ikrarkan delapan bulan yang lalu

Derai air mata memang tak engkau linangkan
Tapi itu tertumpah di mataku karena sebuah perjuangan

Sayang, waktu delapan bulan telah berlalu
Memang baru seumur jagung hubungan kita
Tapi aku akan terus belajar untuk bisa menjaga ikatan ini
Aku memang belum bisa membuatmu bahagia
Tapi aku yakin aku bisa memberimu lebih

Terima kasih Bimo.ku, atas cintamu selama ini
Semua pengorbananmu takkan pernah aku sia – siakan
Aku mencintaimu sekarang dan selamanya .

Oleh:  Astika Putri Roqimawati
       28 Agustus 2011

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Daddy's Little Girl

Look at daddy's little girl,walking the stage in her cap and gown
With a stretch limo waiting, just to drive her round the town
How fast elementary thru high school,has quickly come and went
Now it's on to college,and worth every penny spent
Just to give my precious baby , every chance i never had
And never ever should she,have to work as hard as dad
But look at this world as clay,for her mind to shape and mold
And stamp a delicate imprint,for all to touch and hold
Certainly not so she,can throw this it in one's face
But definitly so she can say, i helped make this a better place
That's all that dad has asked for,indeed it's always been his dream
Just to see baby girl make it,and become a player on this worlds team....

Monkey Toes

Deep in the jungle, where the Nana Tree grows
Lived a young, little monkey who was ruled by his toes.
When mischief arrived, his head would say, “No!”
But each footy digit would say “Go, Monkey, go!”

He once saw a Nana pie cooling on a sill.
He knew it belonged to a toucan named Jill.
His noggin was saying it was a no-no,
But the ends of his feet desperately wanted to go

His eyes didn't look as his feet did their deed.
Of what his head said, his feet did not heed.
The pie was soon swinging from limb to limb
As he made his escape, pie in tow with him.

He swung and he climbed to the top of the trees,
When a nasal sensation caused him to sneeze.
Away towards the earth, the sweet dessert plunged.
The monkey cried out and for the pie he lunged.

He bounded and bounced hitting this branch and that,
But he wasn't in time to prevent a big splat.
To catch the pie, the monkey was too late.
That pie would not look good on anyone's plate.

When Jill the toucan found that her pie was not there
She let out a yelp 'cause of her robbery scare.
A knock from a hand the size of a needle
Was rapped on Jill's door by a rhinoceros beetle.

“Hello, Mrs. Beetle”, the big beaked bird sobbed,
“I can't talk right now, for I was just robbed!”
The beetle replied, “I saw the whole thing.
The identity of the culprit to you I bring.”

“The monkey who lives with us here in this tree
I saw take the pie and then hastily flee.
He went that-a-way toward the top of the tangles
And between his feet your pie precariously dangles.”

“I lost him as soon as he passed that big leaf,
But if you hurry you might be able to nab that thief.
I tell you that monkey has far passed the last straw,
And now he thinks he can break any old law.”

The bird interrupted with a polite “thank you”
And a hasty and questionably pronounced “adieu”.
Jill took to wing toward the monkey's escape
To give a piece of her mind to that naughty ape.

She soon heard a whimper far down below.
To whom it belonged, she wanted to know.
It belonged to the monkey who had stolen her pie,
So, she flew down closer to discover what she might spy.

The monkey was weeping and Jill heard him proclaim
That his naughty toes were the villains to blame.
The colorful bird landed by the primate.
She decided not to be coarse or irate.

Jill put a wing on the young monkey's shoulder,
And the monkey cried and sobbed as he told her,
“I'm so very sorry from the depths of my soul,
But, when it comes to my toes, I am not in control.”

“My head was telling me 'No, Monkey, No!'
But my toes soon changed it to 'Go, Monkey, go!'”
Jill understood the poor monkey's plight.
She hugged him and told him that it was all right.

Jill had some advice to bestow on the youth,
And you better believe that it was the truth.
“When considering mischief, don't think of the act
Think of the victim and how they may react.”

“Speaking as one familiar with your hijinks
I can tell you undeniably that it really stinks.
I worked very hard on my sweet Nana pie,
But when it went missing I couldn't help but cry.”

“But come along back to our big Nana Tree,
And you can start to make it up to me.
We'll bake a new pie, the two of us, together.
There's no misunderstanding that true friends can't weather.”

“Next time, promise me you'll use your head
And not your mischievous toes instead.
Because, as everyone in the jungle knows,
You should listen to your head, not your monkey toes.”

birdsong and waterfalls of piece

Tell me when the white oak trees bloom
When birdsong once more banishes the gloom
When swallows dip their swift wings in water
That sparkles from the waterfalls' laughter
Tell me when Muslims and Christians embrace
Acknowledging that God fills their souls with grace
Their children joined in carefree play
Bringing joy where there is so much sadness today
Tell me that there is a hunger for mankind to know
That there is forgiveness for the hurt of ten years ago
That we will forever remember fallen martyrs of war
But for the future of our children draw closer than before!


i am
standing here


before you tonight

heres every idiotic scar and mark and track

every last bit of this abuse was self inflicted
every wrong decision was completely mine alone

i alone made these choices to piss my life away
it wasnt societies fault or a bad childhood

i am here baring every bit of my polluted soul
every last shred of my nearly destroyed being

there are no more bad habits ruling me
there are no addictions left of any kind

i now know that all i want in this life
is the wondrous chance to be with you.

Beauty and the beast

Who is this person that makes me cry?
Want to run?
Want to die?
Everday a feeling that comes over me so cold
A feeling that is new, yet vaguely old
A familiar face staring back at me now
Go away
Get out of here now
This person that I despise will not leave
I look in the mirror and that person is me
I have become the person I hate
How can I run from myself
Its almost too late
Im leaning over the ledge
Will no one pull me back?
How much longer will these feelings last
I want to cry
I want to die
For the love that I had is no more
When he turned me away, he opened a new door
Not a door, but a mirror to a different side
A side that I am afraid of but cannot hide
How long will it last
Till I am me again
Me at last
Will it take his return to make me see
Or will I forever be this monster, this hideous me
I turn out the lights
Each and every night
Praying that one day
The person I may see
Is the person Ive been longing for
The person I am when your with me.

Amanda J. Crutchfield


I fell in love with this shining light.

He shines so bright.
Hes my star.
I fell fast, I fell hard.

Love never listens when you say 'no'.

I had cuts, I had pain.
But he showed me love again.
He now hangs in my heart, even at a far.

I fell in love with a shining star.

No more cuts, no more pain.
In love I stand.
For now, and always.

I was scared of the dark.
One night my star shined so bright.
Fear now replaced with love.

Tonight I say.
"My star. I love you."

RE note in a Bottle

I really like the poem. I don't know why but it inspired me to write this one (sorry I did not know where to post the poem ~ hope you don't mind).


It starts with a sonata,
Rock solid tone
of the reality
we know.

The groom picks up
The heavenly Stradivarius
And slowly tells us the story
As he knows us, cradled us.

Of the father of lights
He spreads the warmth
With every note
He tells us He knows us.

Our hearts respond
To the sound
Closer to the bridge bow is
More dramatic the sound.

He chooses a more soothing
The same….

The tones awaken the
Innocence in

Eternal friends
Through Him
We can be
If we can only see.

With every tone
He stays with us
He said He will
Never leave us
It holds us
His case upholds ours
If we follow
And stay
In Him…

This time
He tells us not so much
Of the journey as of the morsels
He left for us
Like Hansel and Gretel lost
Morsels birds could eat
As searching for Him
We are falling off our feet.

His heart
Through the music
Tells us of perseverance
He cradles the violin as he whispers
Sweet music in his heart
The man with music in His heart.

Man with child in His eyes
Man with father and child in His eyes…

The violin rebirths our hopes
If violin could it would…

Holding hands
As little children
In the rain
Even though we are
Wet and cold
We are not waiting in vain ~

His music keeps us warm.

It started off as a sonata
It turned into a symphony
We tend to hear more
Of a rhapsody when we are cross…
With things…

But it is indeed a celestial symphony.

~ Deborah Rose~

RE FlashBack

Terrible decieption crawl towards your end
See to it, through it
Like the rays break the shade
Into the center
into the core
Pass to the corruption
and relive in insperation
Live in love
Bath in it

Heart to heart
Musn't fall apart
From the words that set my soul free
The words that are legend
Awakening to the creation
A light warns me of awareness
Alive to today
Now and forever more

Ku Bersimpuh

puisi tentan persmpuhan hamba kepada Tuhannya.

dalam keheningan malam ..aku bersujud ke pada Mu ya raab
iznkan aku mendekati Mu ya Raab
Jangan Kau campakan aku dalam murkaMu ya Raab....aku yg berlumur dosa karena ke jahilan ku...basuh lah aku dg ampun Mu ya Raab...selimbutkan lah aku dg kasih Mu.....
Aku bersimpuh di hadapan mu....bukan meratapi..jalan takdir ku..
Aku bersimpuh di hadapan Mu...bkn meratapi..kesengsaraan ku.....
Aku bersimpuh di hadapan Mu...karena aku dahakan cinta dan kasih MU ya Raab
Dekatlah lah Engkau padaku wahai...pencipta sekaelian alam..agar tenang jiwa ku........
agar tentram hidup ku.....Agar .....damai hatiku.....
Biarkan lah aku tersenyum....dengan semua ..keputusan Mu....
Sesungguh nya Engkau .yg Maha mengetahui apa yg terbaik untuk ku....

Citra Ungu


puisi untuk Tuhan

Seandainya bila Aku harus pulang..
aku ingin menyebut nama mu
untuk yang terakhir kali,
karena selama aku telah lalai
dan telah jatuh ke dunia yang sangat sangat hitam.

Di mana aku
oh di mana aku ini,
aku tidak tahu
bekal apa yang harus ku bawa pulang nanti

Ya tuhan selama ini hamba mencurangi waktu,
tidak pernah berpikir dengan hati yang jernih,
berakal dan penuh dengan keiklasan,
hamba hanya meninggi-niggi kan diri hamba

Ya tuhan
berikanlah hamba setetes karuniamu
agar hamba tidak lagi tersesat
kejurang yang hitam
dimana hamba hanya sementara saja berpijak didalam nya

YA tuhan
jika hamba memang harus pulang
berikanlah hamba setetes hidayah
agar hamba tidak lagi curang didunia mu ini
biarkan hamba membawa bekal setitik saja..
amal amal dan kebaikan
agar hamba tidak tersesat di alam yang berikutnya.
Amin ya robbal allamin...

Arie Bagaskara

Monday, September 12, 2011

i Love You

Singing in the mall with your sister, "I love our life, I love you, I love me". Smiling and laughing. You ask me to go into the bathroom with you. I follow, smiling, not knowing what is to come next.

I sing with you,"I love our life, I love you, I lov---". My tone gets cut short due to a gun shot. I scream and cry as I see your body fall limp. Why? Why did you leave me here alone?

The next day, your parents call me up, and say I left my shirt at your house. I walk over there, singing our song, "I love our life, I love you, I love me". I see your father, depression hiding behind his mask.

You were his only child, and now your gone. He blames me for your death. But I blame him for your sorrow. Which is true? Sweetie, why did you leave? Was it really your fathers abuse? Was it me? May I say one thing Sweetie?

I love you. That still comes from the heart of the ten year old you left. Yes. Even though 6 years later, I still love you.

emmh... nice

Dizzy Head

How I dream of pictures inside my mind
So I painted one of love lost in time
But how the images moved so slow
As colors disappeared with every stroke
From bright sunshine to light fading away
As a tear drop moon fell into its place

Something from one of my reoccurring dreams
Creaking cemetary gates voice the dead silent screams
As I painted a shooting star fall from grace
I felt a gentle breeze caress my face
Than someone softly said please tell me a new story
Bring this picture back to life with one of hope and glory
Such a strange numb I felt when I heard this strangers lips
Whispering to this star beautiful words that I could kiss

Starlight star bright
First star I see tonight
I wish I may I wish I might
Find someone that I could fall in love with tonight
Than from a dizzy head I watched the universe fly by
Because at that single wishful moment her eyes met mine

It inspired me to draw a face I have never seen before
But your angelic voice gives my heart so much more
As there is a God in heaven I will make your wish come true
And than you will know what you should already know,
that Im in love with you

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tetes Air Mata

tanpa kusadari
air mataku meneteskan asa
cinta ini memang misteri
tak satupun yang menerti
kcuali, gumpalan hati yang suci
ah... kataku
kutatap atap langitMu
yang mengurung cakrawala
tanpa batas laksana swasa
duh gusti.....
aku nggak ngerti kemana..?
harus kemana kudapati
tembok mengurungku , dan menhimpit
sesak,...dan pengap....
degup jantung kian mengeras dan cepat
secepat hari berganti waktu
waktu berganti tahun

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Masih lekat kuingat saat kau menangis
Sadari bahwa dirimu seorang wanita
Hanya bisa berharap dan bermimpi tentang cinta

Masih lekat juga kuingat saat ku tersiksa
Betapa aku cinta tapi tak mampu bersuara
Hanya bisa pandangi dan kagumi kehadiranmu
Betapa hati mendadak sepi saat kau tak menyapa

Baru kemarin taman ini berbunga, dan sekarang mulai layu
Esok adalah perpisahan,
oh…mengapa keberanian ini tak juga datang

Akankah kukehilanganmu sebelum nyatakan semua
Sementara ku tak yakin tangis itu untukku
Aku hanyalah manusia biasa bertubuhkan pria
Untuk cinta… ku juga takut tak berbalas sepertimu

Maafkan aku yang tak punya cukup keberanian
Sementara sinarmu begitu menyilaukan mata
Maafkan aku yang t’lah biarkanmu menangis
Sementara aku, ada sedikit keyakinan tangis itu karenaku

Maafkan aku, t’lah sempat sedihkanmu
Sementara aku begitu sayangimu
Percayalah… bahwa itu semua t’lah berlalu
Takkan ada lagi sedih karenaku, aku berjanji

Percayalah… kau tak akan kehilanganku
Karna ku juga takut kehilanganmu
Jika satu saat cinta ini memang harus berakhir
Percayalah itu karna hidup memang tak abadi

Oleh: -Habib Berkelana-

Monday, September 5, 2011

Kau Yang Disana

Apa kabar sayangku
Kau yang nun jauh di mata
Kau yang tak pernah aku lihat lagi

Senyum mu... Tawa mu dan aroma tubuh mu
Tak kan pernah hilang di hatiku
Takkan pernah kubiarkan cinta mu tenggelam
Hanya karna jarak yang membuat kita tak bersama lagi

Ingin ku rajut kembali asrama sperti yang dulu
Disaat kita selalu mengungkapkan isi hati kita
Disaat kita berbagi suka duka

Andai saja ku bisa mengubah takdir ini
Takkan ku biarkan kau pergi jauh dari ku
Takkan ku biarkan kau menghilang dari pandanganku
Ku ingin kau kembali di sisiku....

Semoga cinta kita takkan pernah pudar
Seiring berjalannya waktu
Semoga Kau dan aku tetap menjadi satu
Walai cobaan ini terasa berat....

Biarkan cinta kita tetap menyatu
Meskipun kita tak bisa mengungkap isi hati
Biarkan Jarak menjadi penghalang mata kita...
Tetapi Hati kita takkan pernah berpisah....

Ditulis oleh: Whandi

Sunday, September 4, 2011

private Pleace

Peeking through the hedges to see
Pillars of stone staring back at me
Their strength supports a lattice top
Clouds drifting by, they do not stop
Bright sunshine lites upon my face
Is pleasant sitting, enjoying this place
Quiet fountain, that statue with a brass urn
In summer the waters do bubble which churn
A place come sit, think, also bask
Talking to my God, of him questions ask
Times like these are needed more than we know
Take them, they help us grow

I dream of that thing called Love

I dream,
Dream of love.

I lie in bed,
Dreaming of that thing called love.

What is love?
Is love an emotion, or a dream?

I sit alone.
I dream of that thing called love.

We sit, holding hands.
I wonder if you see me, or if you just look through me.

Walking into your open arms,
dreaming that your my love.

You say you love me,
but I still sit, dreaming of the thing called love

You smile and my heart skips a beat,
I'm no longer dreaming

My heart beats for you,
I hold your love within mine.

Finally we exchange the wonders of the words,
"I love you"
~* Lyz<3 *~

emmh.. so sweeeeet..

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Obsession of My Heart

Like vigorous venom infused in our tunnels of life,
Love poisons every attribute of ecstasy when absent,
Draining our life with every heartbeat until one comes to emotional crucifixion.

Like fire burning in the centre of our world,
Like the sun we are dependant upon,
Slowly depleting as time goes by,
Burning away and selfishly takes all its surroundings.

Bringing one to their knees no matter the scale,
We are dependant on our sun to keep life flowing,
With no substance to fuel our fire,
Havoc will be unleashed within,
Taking along all surroundings.

You have become my sun,
My love for you, the substance to fuel the fire.
A fire that burns with such ferocity that cannot be extinguished,
Unless reality comes down falling.

Regrettably you've become the venom,
Burning my veins as you flow through my body and leaving behind a trail of ashes,
Slowly bringing the end to the horizon.

Where are you....
Can't you see I need you..

Friday, September 2, 2011

Daddys Love

I may not be able to buy all the things other kids get.
But I promise to give all the love some daddys never give.
I promise to be there as long as I live.
No matter how hard times get.
Ill never leave your side ill never walk away.
I promise to be all I can be I just pray.
your future holds something better then mine.
Cause the only success I had is being with you all the time.
I just wish I could provide for you like your mother does.
cause she works so hard like no other does.
And though I may not be the wealthiest guy.
I promise to give you the love money could never buy.
in my heart from beginning to end.
Daddys lil girl daddys lil man my bestfriend.

It is So

these are the days of truth
and reconciliation
and if it is the way of jackals
and the politely lying
to sleep through them,
then it is to the truly in love
that life looks to live it
and our eyes are wide

seeking approval from none
and needing it even less
we choke the day of all it will surrender
and when the night cautiously approaches
to fill our empty glasses
these thirsty throats cry out
that the world will never be enough

to satiate
to satisfy
us for our lust for one another
is the blasphemy of the obvious
and it will not be done
I cannot hold you or kiss you
or even see you
and pretend contentment has taken me
for each moment in your absence is desolation
and I am poorer for it
and if this same poverty finds you lonely
call out to me
and I will cure you if only for a moment.
this selfish,
moment that I need so desperately
and more than you

Rindu kami padamu

Setahun sudah kita tidak bertemu
Aku selalu menanti kedatanganmu
Aku selalu ingat masa-masa indah kita
Bersama kita nikmati indahnya cinta

Masih kuingat setahun yang lalu
Kau meninggalkan tanpa kata
Meskipun aku tak rela kau pergi
Aku ingin kita bersama selalu
Aku tahu itu tak mungkin
Meski kau akan kembali tahun ini

Hari demi hari, bulan demi bulan
Tak sabar aku menunggu kedatanganmu
Hatiku selalu cemas
Jangan-jangan kita tidak akan berjumpa lagi

Ya Allah …
Engkau Yang Maha Tahu
Bahwa hambamu ini selalu menantikannnya
Selalu merindukannya siang dan malam

Ya Allah …
Pertemukanlah aku dengan dia lagi
Dia yang selalu memberikan ketentraman jiwa ini
Dia yang selalu kurindu

Ya Allah…
Pertemukanlah aku dengan RamadhanMu nan agung
Ridhoi aku di Ramadhan tahun ini
Pertemukanlah aku kembali dengan Ramadhan tahun depan

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Wanita Solehah

Laksana rembulan...
Menyinari insan bumi.

Jika ia memandang...
Dunia seakan tergetar karena ketulusannya
Jika ia berkata...
Dunia seakan terlena karena kelembutannya.
Jika ia tersenyum...
Duniapun ikut tersenyum karena keikhlasannya.

Laksana pelita...
Tubuh terbakar demi sebuah pengorbanan.
Menjadi penuntun di tengah gemerlapnya dunia.

Laksana sahabiyah...
Langkah kakinya bagai langkah Fatimah.
Hidupnya penuh ketenangan jiwa.
Karena hatinya selalu berdzikir.

Dialah wanita sholehah..
Yang senantiasa menjadi penentu.
Akan sebuah perubahan dunia.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Esoteric patterns uncoil and hiss
Like a day when jack escaped the box
A dragon sits at the doorway
waiting for it's next meal
Next to nothing this is
It becomes a supernatural ahora
and vibraites rainbow spectrums of color
So vast like the deep blue sea
and so loyal like my love for God

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Honey Bun

Barginning for a pair of shoes
the shrink tried some vodoo on me
I'm not kidding I met someone that has been through as much as me
A fascinating retro of mind
then as I unwind I'll find the time to gather these grapes of wrath
and then stomp them out like a mighty force of nature
Like a breast feeding mother I must trust that fear is discipline
A voice told me to hide the weed in the chocolate
Geniuse guidence of a way so bright
Love on this lonely night
I go off into the drifting smoke
and I see her clearly; no joke
Thats all folks

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Daddy's Little Girl

Look at daddy's little girl,walking the stage in her cap and gown
With a stretch limo waiting, just to drive her round the town
How fast elementary thru high school,has quickly come and went
Now it's on to college,and worth every penny spent
Just to give my precious baby , every chance i never had
And never ever should she,have to work as hard as dad
But look at this world as clay,for her mind to shape and mold
And stamp a delicate imprint,for all to touch and hold
Certainly not so she,can throw this it in one's face
But definitly so she can say, i helped make this a better place
That's all that dad has asked for,indeed it's always been his dream
Just to see baby girl make it,and become a player on this worlds team....

ibuku tercinta

puisi ini di buat karna perasaan cinta anak yang merindukan ibunya...

Dentang nafasmu menyeruak hari hingga senja
Tak ada lelah menggores diwajah ayumu
Tak ada sesal kala semua harus kau lalui
Langkah itu terus berjalan untuk kami
Dua bidadari kecilmu...

Desah mimpimu berlari
mengejar bintang
Berharap kami menjadi mutiara terindahmu
Dalam semua peran yang kau mainkan di bumi
Ini peran terbaikmu

Dalam lelah kau rangkai kata bijak untuk kami
Mengurai senyum disetiap perjalanan kami
Mendera doa disetiap detik nafas kami
Ibu... kau berlian dihati kami

Relung hatimu begitu indah
Hingga kami tak sanggup menggapai dalamnya
Derai air matamu menguntai sebuah harap
Di setiap sholat malammu

Kami hanya ingin menjadi sebuah impian untukmu
Membopong semua mimpimu dalam pundak kami

Jangan benci kami
jika kami membuatmu menangis.

Monday, August 8, 2011


puisi tentang agama Islam

Islam agamaku, nomor satu di dunia
Islam benderaku, berkibar dimana-mana
Islam tempat ibadahku, mewah bagai istana
Islam tempat sekolahku, tak kalah dengan lainnya
Islam sorbanku
Islam sajadahku
Islam kitabku
Islam podiumku, kelas eksklusif yang mengubah cara dunia
Tempat aku menusuk kanan-kiri
Islam media-massaku, gaya komunikasi islami masa kini
Tempat aku menikam sana-sini
Islam organisasiku
Islam perusahaanku
Islam yayasanku
Islam instansiku, menara dengan seribu pengeras suara
Islam muktamarku, forum hiruk-pikuk tiada tara
Islam bursaku
Islam warungku, hanya menjual makanan sorgawi
Islam supermarketku, melayani segala keperluan manusiawi
Islam makananku
Islam teaterku, menampilkan karakter-karakter suci
Islam festivalku, memeriahkan hari-hari mati
Islam kausku
Islam pentasku
Islam seminarku, membahas semua
Islam upacaraku, menyambut segala
Islam puisiku, menyanyikan apa
Tuhan, Islamkah aku?

Rembang, 1. 1413

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Setiap kedip mataku Ya Allah,
Aku bersyukur atas nikmat ini.
Banyak orang melihat, tetapi buta.

Setiap tarikan napasku Ya Allah,
Aku bersyukur atas nikmat ini.
Banyak orang mencium, tetapi tidak mampu membau.

Setiap suara yang kudengar Ya Allah,
Aku bersyukur atas nikmat ini.
Banyak orang mendengar, tetapi tuli.

Setiap desir angin yang kurasa Ya Allah,
Aku bersyukur atas nikmat ini.
Banyak orang merasa, tetapi kebal.

Setiap degub dan detak jantungku Ya Allah,
Aku bersyukur atas nikmat ini.
Banyak orang hidup, tetapi mati.

Akhirnya Ya Allah,
Jangan Kau cabut rasa syukurku ini dari hatiku,
Yang dapat membuatku buta, bebal, tuli dan mati.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Verbal Conviction

Stars appear so large on mars
There goes a duck chewing on the grass
Another hallucination of wind talking
Tring to tie my shoe I get stuck with you
and a dismale sight of waste in the trash
Lust collecting dust and a shadow of desire
Temptations avast; the boder at last
In cumbersum vigilance a particle of love
Starry day dream; beams of gleaming lights
All day and all night

Saturday, July 23, 2011


puisi untuk Tuhan

Seandainya bila Aku harus pulang..
aku ingin menyebut nama mu
untuk yang terakhir kali,
karena selama aku telah lalai
dan telah jatuh ke dunia yang sangat sangat hitam.

Di mana aku
oh di mana aku ini,
aku tidak tahu
bekal apa yang harus ku bawa pulang nanti

Ya tuhan selama ini hamba mencurangi waktu,
tidak pernah berpikir dengan hati yang jernih,
berakal dan penuh dengan keiklasan,
hamba hanya meninggi-niggi kan diri hamba

Ya tuhan
berikanlah hamba setetes karuniamu
agar hamba tidak lagi tersesat
kejurang yang hitam
dimana hamba hanya sementara saja berpijak didalam nya

YA tuhan
jika hamba memang harus pulang
berikanlah hamba setetes hidayah
agar hamba tidak lagi curang didunia mu ini
biarkan hamba membawa bekal setitik saja..
amal amal dan kebaikan
agar hamba tidak tersesat di alam yang berikutnya.
Amin ya robbal allamin...

Arie Bagaskara

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

tentang merpati

puisi ini diambil dari sumber yang terpercaya,.
ini sangatlah menyentuh batin dan jiwa kita..

Kabar burung
Merpati lambang cinta
Namun buntung
Simpati betambang duka

Gosip pagi di televisi
Merpati jalinan asmara
Tapi kasih tak pasti
Saksi perjalanan murka

Lidah orang bersahutan
Merpati itu suci
Pindah sarang berbarengan
Lalu jadi burung kawakan
Apa yang suci?
Dasar tukang kawin

Pebincangan datuk
Merpati simbol kemakmuran
Sampai dibuatnya aku suntuk
Tetap merpati binatang sembarangan

Ribuan mata terpaku
Merpati putih berkicau
Indah menurut mereka
Menanjakan telinga pendengarnya
Damai bagi kalian
Masih saja aku sendirian

Enyalah dariku
Kau cuma berbakhti
Tak bisa berpadu
Cinta antara dia dan daku

(Roil Jiwang Muhtadin : Jakarta, 15 Juni 2009)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

ku kan slalu menantimu

Aku sendiri di sini
Yang selalu Mengharap Hadir mu
Menanti Kasih sayang yang sempurna

Kian hari ku mengharap mu
Tuk mendampingi ku
Yang tak mampu menatap cinta lain
Yang tak sanggup berdiri s'perti dulu

Harus kemana lagi aku harus berjalan
Mencari dirimu yang penuh dengan cinta
Haruskah aku terus berjuang
Menelusuri ranjau yang penuh duri?

Aku tak mengharap lebih darimu
Hanya Cintamu yang kuingin
Hanya Kasih sayang mu yang harap

Andai takdir tak berpihak padaku
Berilah aku kesempatan tuk mencari nya
Mencari orang yang bersedia menggantikan mu
Walau berat rasa hati ini tuk menggantimu

Penulis: Whandi

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Arti Hadirmu

Ku tak mengerti tentang perasaanku
Setiap ku melihat mu
Hatiku begitu damai
Rasa tak ingin kulewati
Walau sedikit pun
Apakah rasa ini akan selalu ada
Tetapi aku takut
Jika perasaan ku tak terbalas
Mungkinkah perasaan ku
Akan di balas dengan senyuman
Akupun tak tahu
Mungkin hanya waktu yang bisa menjawabnya

no name

Arti Hadirmu

Ku tak mengerti tentang perasaanku
Setiap ku melihat mu
Hatiku begitu damai
Rasa tak ingin kulewati
Walau sedikit pun
Apakah rasa ini akan selalu ada
Tetapi aku takut
Jika perasaan ku tak terbalas
Mungkinkah perasaan ku
Akan di balas dengan senyuman
Akupun tak tahu
Mungkin hanya waktu yang bisa menjawabnya

no name

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Coming

The road to get to you seems impossible
but I keep walking down it,
praying for a different path to open
that will lead me closer to you.

I have never met you, seen your face,
or touched your tiny hands, but I dream of the day I might.

I would give my life for you
even though we have never met.

I long to hear you breathe.

Soon hopefully the road will lead me to you...

What road... the road of life.

-Angela K. Fetterolf

Wings of Hopes

Give me the life that we were meant to have together.
The simple life of the little joys.
Living under the same roof, sharing our thoughts.
You have given me a new purpose, a new soul in this tattered body
To live my life with you and our families.
We are perfect, as close as one could ever be.
Together we think as one, laughing and sharing our secrets.
Loving each other, at every moment we can,
Not one has gone to waste.
Giving each other hope, for the better future yet to come.
Living our lives to the fullest together.
Completing and ruling our domain with our inner power
The Inner passion comes out hard and deep
Providing us the wings of hope and love
So we shall explore the world of mystery together.

~Last Kiss~


There's a window in my house that i look out every evening.
It is so clear, it gives me a great view of everything.
But whenever i look through, i see the image of you, on that day when you were leaving.
So no matter when i look out I'll never see the one thing i want to see.
And that is you coming back to me.

I didn't mean to hurt you.
It was my worst mistake.
And the guilt i feel is almost more than i can take.
All i want for you to do is forgive me.
I swear this was never the man i wanted to be.
I don't want you to think of me as your foe.
So please come back, so i can see you through my window.

I just can't stand not being able to look into your eyes.
I wish i never told you all those lies.
Now there's no point in me looking out my window anymore.
Everything out there is now a really big bore.
Cause I'll never see the one thing i want to see.
And that is you coming back to me.

Oh please come back!
I'm sorry about what i did.
I was acting like such a stupid little kid.
I've apologized so many times.
And I'm getting tired of singing so many rhymes.
Please can i have one more chance?
Please can i have just one more dance?

Please forgive me.
Let me show you the kind of man i was meant to be.
I don't want you to think of me as your foe.
So please come back, so i can see you through my window

Note in a Bottle

Can you hear me old companion of mine do you still feel the vibration of my whisper in your ear
I see you yet I don't recognize the world I knew you just lay their can you feel my tears

You always smiled back with eyes so bright you kissed my lips back at the end of the night
Long dear friend life companion show me a sign that your still by my side

So much I have to say so much we have to do yet time is up for me & you
on this earth time now stands for me but know your soul & my soul as one are forever love strong & true

Your shell now lays on display in a man made room of corruption
I'll never look into your eyes again no more physical get to know bonding discussions

So long best friend my true love I must leave what you left behind for all to see like a note in a bottle drifting in hopes to be found & understood in mother earths sea



One of Water, one of Fire,
Two opposites who connect
One helps and completes the other
To make it through
They care, they love
No one can break them
Their bond is strong
Their love is untamable
No one may understand
The connection they will have.

~Last Kiss~

A collec of Love poems

A Thousand Miles

A thousand miles
Away from me
You are but across the land
and space. There seems to be
more love than you will ever know.
Across the sky I see
I send my love to thee.


My heart pours out to you
Across the sands of time
Across the spans of space
May I always be in your heart
As you are in mine
We are more than just best friends
We are partners (in crime)
This oath I swear to you
I will love you until the end of time
I will love you until the end of time


Together we are
Now till the end
I made the decision
We made the decision
To never be apart again
For as someone once said
The greatest destiny is
“To love and to be loved
In return.”

By Rochelle Jackson

sahabat atau keparat?

puisi ini dibuat karna kehancuran hubungan pertemanan yang telah lama dibina,.
let's go..

Untaian katamu ternyata palsu
Janji indah telah kau ingkari
Untuk terus menjadi sahabatku

Tahukah kau sobat???
Bahwa segala luka yang menyobek hatimu
Dapat juga ku rasakan dan menusuk jiwaku
Bahwa darah yang menetes dari luka itu
Seiring air mata yang mengalir di pipiku

Sadarkah kau sobat???
Bahwa kepedihan yang selalu tampak di wajahmu
Adalah mimpi terburuk yang membebaniku
Bahwa sikap dinginmu untukku
Adalah pedang yang terus menghujam dadaku

Dulu secercah tawamu yang indah
Selalu menggelitik jiwaku untuk tersenyum
Tapi kini semua tlah berubah
Dan bukan lagi kebahagiaan
Yang mampu kau berikan padaku
Karena sahabat…
Kau khianati aku
k au cemari ikatan kita
Kau dengan mudah melepas jemariku
Padahal kau melihat aku
Rapuh tanpa kau di sampingku

Mengapa kau rusak hubungan ini???

Engkau telah mengisi hari hari ku
Dengan canda tawamu
Nampak wajahmu ceria nan rupawan

begitu bertartinya kau dalam hidup ini serasa hampa jika kau tak disisi

Kumelangkah tanpamu disampingku
Serasa diruang tak berpenghuni
Walau kuberada dikeramaian
Rasa linglung jika kau tak menemani
Tak tahu berbuat apa
Tanpamu disisi

Kaulah tempat curahanku
Tempat curahan dari segala gundahku
Kapanpun dimanapun bagaimanapun
Dalam keadaan apapun
kau….selalu ada untukku
Selalu ada disetiap kubutuh

begitu besar jasamu
Kata terimakasih tak cukup membalas jasamu

Betapa besar jasamu
Tak dapat diungkap dengan kata
Andaikan air laut sebagai tinta
Bahkan seisi bumipun tak cukup sebagai tinta
Untuk menuliskan jasamu

Kuingin selalu bersamamu
Rasa tak ingin kulalui waktu tanpamu

Sahabat terkadang bisa buat kita senang
Tapi sahabat juga bisa membuat kita terluka
Dikala engkau senang
Dikala engkau sedih

Kenapa engkau hadir dalam hdupku
Kenapa engkau membuatku menangis…?
Kenapa engkau tersenyum dalam tangisku?
Begitu mudahnya kau melupakan persahabatan kita…
Sia-sia kita bina persahabatankita ini
Selamat tinggal sahabat sejatiku…

Persahabatan tak butuh keajaiban,,
Yang ada hanya sebuah kebersamaan
Untuk selalu terus berjalan

Persahabatan bukan permainan
Bukan pula sebuah ujian
Juga bukan sebuah hayalan
Persahabatan adalah jembatan
Untuk mencapai sebuah tujuan

Persahabatan selalu berharap
Semua teman memperoleh kebahagian
Persahabatan adalah sebuah perwujudan
Kasih sayang yang terlewatkan
Cinta yang tak terungkapkan

Persahabatan. . .
Selalu berbuah kebahagiaan
Karena persahabatan takkan hilang termakan zaman

Kau adalah sahabatku teman pelipur laraku
Bersamamu aku bisa ber bagi cerita indah
Cerita tentang kegagalanku
Dan dengan mu pula aku bisa tuangkan segala keluh kesahku

Saat kau sedih aku menangis
Saat kau terluka hatiku tercabik
Saat kau gundah aku selalu resah

Sahabat. . .
Jangan kau anggap aku orang lain
Aku adalah dirimu
Aku adalah saudaramu
Aku siap korban kan jiwaku agar kekal persahabatan kita

Teman itu seperti bintang
Tak selalu nampak
Tapi selalu ada dihati…

Sahabat akan selalu menghampiri ketika seluruh dunia menjauh
Karena persahabatan itu seperti tangan dengan mata
Saat tangan terluka, mata menangis
Saat mata menangis, tangan menghapusnya

Kuatkah aku menjalani ini.?
Kebersamaan kita memang indah
Bahkan terasa sangat manis

Kau teman berbagiku
Kau tempat ku curahkan resah dan gelisahku
Bercanda dan tertawa bersama
Menghangatkan tubuh dan jiwaku

Tapi. . .
Dalam tawa itu aku menjerit
Dalam kehangatan dekapanmu aku menggigil

Kau teman terbaikku
Tapi bukan pemilik cintaku

Habib Berkelana

puisi sahabat :)

puisi sahabat ini menceritakan tentang persahabatan yang indah
ceck this out.

Telah kau daki
Gunung kemerdekaan
Menuju sinar harapan
Kehidupan masa depan
Menuju kebahagian

Relung waktu telah lalu
Rindu hati ingin bertemu
Walau surya telah berlalu
Dirimu masih ku tunggu
Dalam paruh waktuku

Aku memuja seraya berdoa
Kesehatan dan keberkahan
Tetap menyertaimu
Bersama KuasaNya
Kau akan bahagia

Ketika hati ini bergeming
Gema Adzan berkumandang
Dikaulah yang membimbing
Ke Surau kecil desa
Bersujud kepadaNya
Hingga raga ini tenang

Sukma melemah
Jiwa berserah
Tak tahu arah
Terhentilah darah

Telah berujung riang
Gaung cinta persaudaraan
Telah kau tebarkan
Mengisi celah darah
Terpendam lubuk dalam

Lukisan kata tepat
Hembusan angin bertempat
Riasan duniawi bersifat
Dalam kota terpadat
Semoga masih sempat
Citra ini terdapat

(Roil Jiwang Muhtadin : Jakarta, 14 Juni 2009)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Ketika Termenung

di malam hening
dalam rengkuhan nista
kian larut makin menusuk

mungkinkah kan henti
dusta gantikan bijak
tuk sesali yang kelabu
saat enggan sebut namaMu

kini tersudut di pojok
tersandar di tembok rapuh
walau paksa tuk pilih
arah hidup yang hakiki
dalam restu Illahi

reres, 300790

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Karena Cinta Aku Rela Menderita

kisah cinta yang tragis

Andai hangat nya mentari itu sinar bahagia
Akan ku songsong hinga ke senja..
Andai turun nya hujan lukisan air mata
Akan ku tadah seperti mutiara..

Karena cinta ku rela menderita.
Kau yg tk pernah mengerti arti nya cinta dan setia
Semua pengorbanan ku kau anggap biasa..
Bila saat nya tiba nanti baru kau rasa..
Setelah kutinggalkan dunia yg fana

** i luv u**

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Lovers Prayer

For as the moon and sun do shine
my heart beats with yours everytime
and as you smile and look my way
I pray the Lord that time will stay

And as the seconds tick and swing
my love for you will never leave
such as the salt which lies in sea
same with the stars we always see

You cannot phantom all of them
for there are too many to comprehend
and as you try to count them all
take my hand incase you fall

For here I stand and will always be
by your side and in your dreams
for love is such a crazy thing
like a single rose salute in concrete

Hand in hand ill hold you close
listening to you breathe in noise
and as you exhale close your eyes
and hold your breath as if dear life

As you see its hard to breathe
this is what you do to me
for when I see you standing there
my lungs forget the taste of air

So as the minute hands proceeds
my life without you is incomplete
so grab my hand and stay awhile
for without you here it's hard to smile

Standing here I know the drill
to keep you close and always near
to keep you safe and from all fear
to whisper "i love you" inside your ear

To let you know you are my dream
my one and only, my everything
that's how much you mean to me
as long as the hands of time do swing

And even if they freeze in time
I'll never walk nor leave your side
for without you here I'd rather die
then to walk this world without my life

While the rain falls from the air
storm clouds form in atmosphere
and as the drops fall from the sky
my love for you will never die

One blade of grass, a single leaf
I'd give you the world if it were up to me
but since I can't, I fall to my knees,
"The Lover's Prayer" is what I need

"I pray the Lord will keep you safe
out of harmful and dangerous ways
keeps you happy through all your days
and memories of us will never fade

And as we live on each new day
and minutes and seconds do tick away
you'll always remember this special day
the day you took my breath away

I pray you cherish every memory
and lock them up but keep the key
incase you want to remember things
of how they once used to be

Incase you forget, I'll write them down
for as we grow and memories fade
I still want you to remember this day
the day we laughed the night away

I pray each night before you sleep
that God will keep you safe inside your sheets
and as you dream you'd dream of me
of future things we still deem to see

And as you wake you keep me close
just like a bouquet of a rose
and when you think back I hope you remember
the day I fell for you more than ever

As I sit here on bended knee
and grasp your hand while you sleep
I pray the Lord will allow us to live
together forever without an end

I pray the Lord will help you see
and understand my true feelings
for when we get old I hope you remember
the day I asked to be yours forever"

A prayers a prayer, and a word a word
a sentence a sentence, and a verb a verb
a thoughts a thought, and a thoughts to keep
the wonderful thought of you and me

I pray for you, and you pray for me
but inside my prayer holds a deeper meaning
for if you ever forget what has been said
come back and read and remember again

For The Lover's Prayer never fades
I quote and recite it everyday
so you will always remember just how much you mean
I can't give you the world, but here's all of me

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Hanya Kaulah Belahan Jiwa

kau hadirkan diri mu, di saat aku perlukan
kau hulurkan tangan mu ketika aku jatuh terkulai
kau tunjuk arah ku, ketika aku tersesat jalan..
kau terangi langkah ku ketika aku kegelapan..

diri mu belahan jiwa ku...cinta mu anugrah buat ku
walau kau jauh beribu batu,,kau senantiasa dlm hati ku
karena Tuhan lebih tau..semoga dg ridha Nya kita dpt bersatu

**i luv u**

amiin ;p

Sunday, June 19, 2011


i am
standing here


before you tonight

heres every idiotic scar and mark and track

every last bit of this abuse was self inflicted
every wrong decision was completely mine alone

i alone made these choices to piss my life away
it wasnt societies fault or a bad childhood

i am here baring every bit of my polluted soul
every last shred of my nearly destroyed being

there are no more bad habits ruling me
there are no addictions left of any kind

i now know that all i want in this life
is the wondrous chance to be with you.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Sebait Doa

Ketika derai air mata
Menetes tak terasa
Dan tangan yang terjelur hampa
Ada harap yang kupinta

Wahai Tuhanku!
Tabahkanlah hatiku
Tentramkanlah jiwaku
Di saat ku terpisah jauh
Dari serpihan kasih sang ibu,
Agar perjalanan hidup yang ku tempuh
Damai selalu
Di sepanjang waktu

Wahai Tuhanku!
Inilah sebait doaku
Yang selalu berteriak memanggil nama-Mu
Di akhir sujud sajadah panjangku

Monday, June 13, 2011

wasted Children

Some children are unwanted.
They just get born that way.
It was not what they asked for:
They did not have a say.
They end up lost and lonely,
Longing to be loved.
Only wanting to be held,
They end up being shoved
Out into the darkness,
Out into the cold.
They want someone to see them;
They just want a hand to hold.

Her tiny hands are folded;
Her little head is bowed;
She’s talking to Jesus;
She’s asking Jesus how
God sits in his heaven
Sees the children here below,
And lets them go on crying,
And lets them suffer so.
Why are the children wasted—
Like garbage thrown away?
Doesn’t God even listen
When wasted children pray?

sahabat !

seberat apapun masalahmu
sekelam apapun beban hidupmu
jangan pernah berlari darinya
ataupun bersembunyi
agar kau tak akan bertemu dengannya
atau agar kau bisa menghindar darinya
karena sahabat…..
seberapa jauhpun kau berlari
dan sedalam apapun kau bersembunyi
dia pasti akan menemuimu
dalam sebuah episode kehidupanmu
alangkah indahnya bila kau temui ia dengan dada yang lapang
persilahkan ia masuk dalam bersihnya rumah hati
dan mengkilapnya lantai nuranimu
hadapi ia dengan senyum seterang mentari pagi
ajak ia untuk menikmati hangatnya teh kesabaran
ditambah sedikit penganan keteguhan
dengan begitu
sepulangnya ia dari rumahmu
akan kau dapati
dirimu menjadi sosok yang tegar
dalam semua keadaan
dan kau pun akan mampu dan lebih berani
untuk melewati lagi deraan kehidupan
dan yakinlah sahabat……..
kaupun akan semakin bisa bertahan
kala badai cobaan itu menghantam

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Kemana Kesetiaanmu

Diman arti sebuah kesetiaanmu
Janjimu yang pernah kau ucap dulu
Sungguh ku tak menyangka
Kau hianati diriku

Aku adalah orang yang benar-benar menyayangimu
Mencintaimu dengan sepenuh hatiku
Setelah kau tinggalkan ku sendiri
Yang bisa kulakukan hanyalah meratapinya

Tapi kini kusadar
Kau tak pantas untuk kau cintai
Kau begitu mengecewakanku
Begitu menyakitiku

Kan ku hapus semua kenangan kita

bY: Vv

wah ya jangan tanya saya mbak Vv hehe..

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